You will be invited to visit our setting during the ½ term prior to your child joining us. It will give your child a chance to become familiar with the setting and the staff. The staff will support your child to settle in and work alongside carers allowing as much time as is necessary for this process. When you do leave your child for a full session, make sure you return on time so your child is not upset by other parents arriving and not being able to find you. If you are having problems do talk to your child’s Key Person, they have helped to settle lots of other children.

No, we are happy to work with you if your child is still wearing nappies/pull ups when starting pre-school. Working together and using the same strategies at home and in pre-school supports your child through the process of changing from nappies to underwear. We have found that having a toilet time during each session supports the children’s progress. We would ask that you provide spare clothing as there are bound to be some accidents.

Yes we are registered with Ofsted and work within The Early Years Foundation Stage. A copy of our inspection report is available in setting. Click here to read it on-line.

We use discipline which is clear, kind, reasonable and consistent.

This is because it helps the children to:

  • Feel secure, since they know what is expected of them
  • Behave in a way which is acceptable to others
  • Learn what is safe and unsafe
  • Develop self-discipline

As each child joins Pre-School they will be assigned their own Key Person. Each Key Person will have a number of children in their care. This does not mean that only one person will take an interest in your child. It is a system which enables every child to benefit from personal attention to their needs and development as an individual, while still being part of the group.

Main Duties:

  • To assist your child to settle into the group by, keeping a special watchful eye on them in the first few sessions and supporting them to integrate into the group.
  • To provide for the emotional needs of your child, e.g. offering support as they attempt something new.

To develop a rapport with parents, keeping them informed of their child’s development.

It is important to recognise that a Key Person does NOT:

  • Shadow your child throughout the session.
  • Support only their own group of children.
  • Prevent other adults from forming relationships with your child.

As part of their role, your child’s Key Person will complete observations and keep brief records about how your child is developing. They will record evidence of your childs learning and development. These records are compiled by observing the children as they are both taught and play. The children are not distracted by all this essential work.

We would welcome any relevant information you would like to share with us (eg fastened a button today, their favourite story, counted to 3 or recognised a letter in their name) on your child’s ‘Information from home’ sheet which is supplied when your child starts Pre-School. We would ask that this information is kept up to date via your child’s keyworker.

If your child has any infection we would ask that you keep them at home. Those children or adults suffering from infectious diseases sickness or diarrhea must not return to the pre-school until 48 hours has elapsed since their last bout of illness.

All adults or children attending the setting must cover any cuts or sores with sticking plaster.

Pre-School staff will not administer prescribed drugs to your child without written consent from and discussion with you. Life saving drugs such as adrenaline kept in case of allergic reaction, will only be administered after full consultation with parents, and after staff have received the relevant medical training.

Pre-School will ensure that the first aid equipment is kept clean, replenished and replaces as necessary.

Hands will be washed after going to the toilet and the children shall be encouraged to cover their mouths when coughing.

Upon discovery of a fire, a whistle will be blown. The children and any other visitors, including rota help, will be escorted out out via the nearest fire exit and a register will be taken.

The exits are:

The main entrance

2 members of staff will remain and check that all areas have been vacated. 1 staff member will call the fire brigade.

We will consult with the fire brigade as to whether or not to return to the building.

The fire drill is practised every half-term.

  • Contact the manager who will record complaint and strive to resolve the problem
  • If unresolved at this stage complaints will be referred to the committee.
  • If this does not have a satisfactory outcome within a couple of weeks, or if the problem recurs, you should put the concerns in writing and request a meeting. Most complaints should be resolved informally at this stage.
  • If you and the group cannot reach an agreement, it may be necessary to introduce a mediator, if both parties wish it. The mediator will help define the problem, review the action so far and suggest further ways in which the problems can be resolved.
  • We believe that most complaints are made constructively and can be resolved at an early stage.
  • We also believe that it is in the best interests of the group and parents that complaints should be taken seriously and dealt with fairly and in a way which respects confidentiality.
  • For more information about us we have a full policy and procedures document available for anyone wishing to read it.
  • Complaints can be made directly to Ofsted via their website or on 0300 123 1231

In our setting we plan to provide an environment which ensures children are safe from potential abuse including bullying and will respond to any suspicion of potential abuse in a way which respects the child’s rights and reinforces the adults responsibilities to the children.

We have an emphasis on outdoor play, ensuring that the children are actively involved in physical activities. This is recognised to support brain development and the children to become healthier, happier and more competent when playing outdoors. Outdoor play offers opportunities for children to connect to different skills, ideas, knowledge and materials which promotes social learning, creativity and problem solving skills.

We recognise that the well-being and learning of children can be enhanced given a positive experience of transition. We are committed to support children and their families at times of transition having high regard to meeting their social and emotional needs. This ethos is reflected in our procedures and practices.